The House of the Spirits: A Novel by Isabel Allende

Peru has been in the news frequently as of late.  They are on their fifth or sixth president in about as many years.  There are riots in the street in which several folks have died.  The left wing president who attempted to take “executive” control of the country was impeached and has been sentenced to 18 months in jail.  For the first time in its history, Peru has a woman President, but it would surprise me if she stayed in office long. All of which started me thinking about this novel again, which will be clearer as to why if you are brave enough to trudge on.

I actually finished this novel three or four months ago in the Spanish language edition, La casa de los espíritus.  It took me a bit to get through it.  First it is 552 pages.  Secondly when I read a Spanish novel Continue reading “The House of the Spirits: A Novel by Isabel Allende”