Solitude and Quietness

Solitude and Quietness… no I am not Superman in his Fortress of Solitude.

I came across this click bait article in my news feed with the words weird and intelligent grabbing my attention.

10 Weird Habits of Highly Intelligent People

It did make me wonder about a large group of folks, especially the generations younger than me , Z, X, Epsilon, Millennials, Omega, Alpha, Cherrio, whatever it is they are calling them these days.

There seems to be all too many folks that have to have music, video, some form of input constantly streaming into their heads.  When does this leave time for quite reflection and daydreaming?

Of course, one of our neighbors, a gentleman several years older than I, cannot be outside without plugging in.  Since he must be nearly deaf, he has his rock and roll from the 60s and 70s cranked up in his huge radar operator earphones.  If he is walking his dog, I can hear him a football field away.

A few years back, without conscious decision, I started leaving the radio/CD player off in my vehicles the majority of the time.   Especially when I was jogging or now when I am riding my bike, it is a qualitative difference between doing those activities with audio input versus listening to your own self.  When I realized this, I quit plugging in so much when I was doing those sort of activities.

We all walk this world in our own moccasins, but I do worry about folks constantly plugged in without quiet time for their self.

And so it goes.

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