Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #456

yeah I know you did not ask!

Faust Park is a county park about 3 miles from the house.  They have the trails at that park open, all of them one way to help with social distancing.  None of the playgrounds, bathrooms, carousel,etc are open.

This evening, myself and the whimsical Señora Weinhaus decided to take the wee dog for a walk around the park and through some of the wooded paths.  Actually, quite pleasant and for the most part folks were adhering to the guidelines. You are always going to have a few iconoclasts.

Coming out of the woods there were a group of people sitting more or less at the recommended 2 meters of separation. It was obvious they were having some sort of birthday party from the signage.  As we got closer I could see it was for an older lady who they had seated in a throne like chair with a chintzy  crown on her head.  Not that there is an ounce of danger in that direction, but if my kids ever did such a thing…

Anyway back to the story.  Our birthday queen had on a mask.  As we passed I overheard them talking about masks, probably because they wanted to take the queen’s picture.  That is when I heard one gentleman remark, “I have a mask too, but I am saving it for when I drywall.”  How utterly tone deaf can you be? He must be the uncle everyone talks about that disrupts the Thanksgiving dinner with his crackpot political views.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,238

yeah I know you did not ask!

We visited another couple yesterday evening.  We went over to their house, sat outside to eat the Chinese food we had ordered delivered.  We took reasonable precautions about sharing various utensils and passing things.

Deciding to have social interactions during the coronavirus shelter-in-place mandates reminds me a bit of some of the discussions I had during the 18 years between my marriages.  Vague questions trying to feel out our mutual “social interaction” history.  Not so vague questions trying to ascertain if we had been practicing safe “social distancing”. How do you feel about being tested? You can imagine.

That was the negotiation we had last night.  We decided that none of the four of us had been out much, that we had all used precautions on those occasions when we did go out, and that we had not been around anyone with symptoms… as far as we knew. At least they did not require us to bring a doctor’s report certifying our status!

Strange times we live.