
Movie Review by Sister Lorie

avatar_poster5_imaxYou can’t miss the trailers and commercials, so you know the drill. Ten foot tall blue folks don’t like it when humans invade and want to strip mine their world. Evil humans don’t care; they just want the goods. Sounds like ‘Dances With Wolves’ in space. Maybe so, but there is no new story, only new applications of stories. With that said, I liked it. I liked the wonder of a place that was like no other. Animals that were similar enough and different enough at the same time. The wonder of a damaged human who discovers his soul.

Now for the presentation. This movie is what 3-d should have been all along. I found myself wanting to swipe at the ‘floating things’ that got too close to my face. The detail is amazing. I didn’t find anything to nit-pick in the more than 2.5 hours I sat stone still. Ok, maybe a quick intermission for a pit stop would have been useful.

This is a must see in 3-d, don’t be cheap.

A Clean Colon…

Trials & Tribulations of Sister Lorie

Note to self:

The next time the husband decides that a ‘gallbladder cleanse’ is a good idea and that your participation is also a good idea…. Ask lots of questions.  I knew that I was in possession of a gallbladder, but I must say that I was unclear as to what it does.  I’ve known people that have had theirs removed and still function well.  It’s possible that I had not given that organ much thought until the cleanse weekend.

Leaving the preparations largely up to the husband, Continue reading “A Clean Colon…”