Please, not in public…

Señora and I were running around the other day, remembering I needed a charging cable for my phone, we stopped by Wally World.  On the way out we passed a Christmas display causing me to “sing” out loud, somewhat sarcastically, “Fra la la la – la la la.”

Señora’s almost immediate reaction was to say, “You really should not do that in public.”

I disingenuously asked, “What?”

“You really should not sing in public,” she elaborated.

“I thought you liked it when I made a ‘joyful’ noise?”

“I do, at the house, not in public.”

“Well,” I said in a huff, “that is one of the meaner things you have said to me.”

“I am just trying to protect you,” she went on.

“Protect me from what?”

“I would not want to see you pelted with rotten tomatoes. It makes doing the laundry tough.”

“It will be a while before you hear me sing again,” I heard the pouting me say.

Was that a long sigh of contentment I just heard coming from Señora’s direction?

SING… Sing where you can…

If you ask the lyrical Señora Weinhaus she will quickly tell you that her life is music.  If she could not sing I am not sure she would find life worth living.  Normally she sings in in several choirs, but all that has been curtailed due to COVID-19.

She met two of her mates from the Hospice Choir at a tunnel on the Creve Coeur bike path.  Bonnie’s husband shot this video of their jubilation.