Why Police Shoot – Tampa Bay Times article

This is a very sad, and a very disturbing article.  There were two things in the story that really surprised me.  First, is that there are no real stats kept on police shootings!

“The Florida Department of Law Enforcement can say how many purse snatchings there were in any given year, but not how many times officers fired on citizens. The FBI’s statistics on police shootings aren’t much better. No one keeps accurate count.

“Embarrassing and ridiculous,” FBI director James B. Comey called the lack of data.

“Unacceptable,” former Attorney General Eric Holder called it.

For the past three years, shootings of unarmed black men caught on video have sparked outrage. But they are anecdotes. Without data, there’s no scope.

“How can we fix what we can’t measure?” asked Vanita Gupta, who headed the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division…”

The second thing that really surprised is the extent of police forfeiture and Continue reading “Why Police Shoot – Tampa Bay Times article”