Sex Education in the 60s

An email exchange with my brothers had me reminiscing about how sex education was handled in the sixties… the 1960s smarty pants.

From my mother, and I have no idea what sparked her comment to the prepubescent me. At the time it seemed totally out of left field.

“God meant for men and women to be together, that is why their private parts fit together like a key in a lock.”

The best I can recall this was the last time she mentioned anything of a sexual nature to me.

And from my father, on the occasion of the 17 year old me washing the family car with a bosomy blonde.  It was not quite up to the Cool Hand Luke scene, or in retrospect maybe it was for my father!

“A cat was napping on the railroad tracks. A train came along and chopped off his tail. He turned around to see what had happened to his tail. While he was inspecting the damage another train came along from the other direction. It chopped off his head.

Know what the moral of this story is?

Don’t lose your head over a piece of tail.”

And that is the last I heard from him on the subject.

Forget about sex education in the schools, it was not taught.  Heck, I could not even buy condoms as a teenager in Rhode Island.  I am thankful to this day that I did not reenact Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones. And very lucky.

Keep well.