“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”
Señora was not feeling well today, and since she was upstairs napping, I was the one to get the mail. In that bundle of mostly spam, was a bill or two, and the monthly AARP magazine.
Since I was avoiding going to the basement to exercise, I read a couple articles in the magazine and worked the crossword puzzle. It seems AARP wants us seniors to feel good about ourselves as the crossword puzzle is seldom challenging. However, that is another topic.
I left the magazine open on the kitchen counter to an article titled on the cover as Sex in Your 70s, Yes Yes, Oh Yes, It Can Still Be Great. Actually the Oh before the last Yes was my own addition. In the body of the magazine the article was titled Start Your Own Sexual Revolution. After that, I ceased my procrastination and descended into the depths of our basement to work on keeping this magnificent body, well.. magnificent. Sometimes it takes a little work to hear that last “Ohhh… YES!”
When I came up from the exercise dungeon, I found Señora had been downstairs. The AARP magazine was now open to an article about four old ladies lusting after Tom Brady. Yes, Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field and Rita Moreno starring.
Seems to me there is a not so subtle message in there somewhere… if AARP would just make those crossword puzzles a little harder perhaps I would have the mental acuity to figure it out.
And so it goes.

I once heard the noted sexologist, well Bubba down at Smitty’s Bar and Grill, claim there are only four major types of orgasms. The Negative Orgasm – “No, No, OHHHH NOOO!”. The Positive Orgasm – “Yes, Yes, OHHHH YESSS!”. The Religous Orgasm – “GOD, Oh GOD, Oh…. god….”. And my personal favorite – “Oh David, Oh David, Ohhhh, DAVID!”
How Bubba knew about my personal favorite, I have yet to find out.