Senator Bernie Sanders Explains How the Cow Ate the Cabbage

Weep for Our Country…

Do not try to just watch this as it is not that stimulating visually…BUT if you will just listen like you would a radio broadcast and really listen hard to what Senator Bernie Sanders is saying you might just have your eyes opened a bit.

I’ve been ranting about this stuff for years with most folks looking at me like I was crazy.  The concerns are finally going mainstream.  I can only hope if enough folks get outraged about these issues change might happen.

But then I look at the view count on this YouTube video at 100,000 or so versus the most viewed video on YouTube Justin Bieber – Baby ft. Ludacris; 402,051,105 views, and you know where peoples priorites are.  Sad, sad, sad… It strikes me that we have become a nation that has buried its collective head in the sand.