Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy

I have a correspondent, a fellow reprobate like myself, from the northern hinterlands of Chicago. He sent me the following musings that struck a note with me.

While watching the riot news last night I had a moment of conspiratorial déjà vu. I’ve seen this stuff before. I immediately put my Tin Foil Hat on and began to think back in history. I remember the Civil Rights riots in the 60’s in Watts, Detroit, Newark, Chicago, Philadelphia, and a whole lot of other cities. Those riots and demonstrations, including the Anti-War protests, the Women’s Rights and Gay Rights protests, usually had an element of police crackdown and brutality. They also resulted in a strong push back by whites. In 1968 Richard Nixon used that push back to help him win the White House. Continue reading “Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy”