One Pie, 9 Pieces to the Rich, 1 Piece for the Rest of Us

And this folks is why I am so disillusioned and angry at the Right and our buffoons in Congress…

This chart is all over the Internet.  To me numbers seem to ring true, but I really do not know.  Best I could find out this is the original article from whence this chart came.  Note: Original article is no longer available.

Right now, I am buying the figures.

   Programs at risk vs Tax breaks for the wealthy

Click on image to get a more readable size

Random thought…I used to have to go to the downtown area of any major city to see crazy, psychotic people wondering around. Now days all I have to do is turn on CSPAN.

If I was not so damn old, and Canada so damn cold

Court eases business, union election spending rule — Link removed

From the above article:
“The Supreme Court threw out a 63-year-old law designed to restrain the influence of big business and unions on elections Thursday, ruling that corporations may spend as freely as they like to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress. The decision could drastically alter who gives and gets hundreds of millions of dollars in this year’s crucial midterm elections.”

All together now…

I pledge allegiance to the registered trade mark
Of the United Corporations of America
And to the greed for which it stands
One conglomerate under  Adam Smith
Outsourced, with excessive profit
And power for an chosen few

If I was not so damn old, and Canada so damn cold, I would immigrate. I hate what the Right is doing to this country. I used to be proud to say I was American. That has not been true for quite some time now.

WTF is Right

From an online discussion (I just love civilized discourse):

Obama is the president. He can only sign the bill the house of representatives pass and send to his desk.  Executive branch cannot make the legislative branch do anything they do not want. Clinton tried in 1992. How did that go….. 

As for the Legislative branch: If I remember, the Soap went something like this:

 GOP: we will block and sabatoge anything important to Obama no matter what

 (Senate Dems : kisses Olympia snow’s butt to try and get 60 votes. But apparently party loyalty is more important than the country…) Continue reading “WTF is Right”