A Polemic – Which Is the Greater Sin?

I really do not believe in the concept of sin, at least in sin as defined in the Christian Bible.  The idea that there is a god that will condemn the soul of one of his creations to burn in the fires of hell for all eternity for some behavior during their all too short life span is more than I can give credence to. But then I also do not believe in the concept of heaven or hell.  I have no idea if we have a soul or not, the rational part of me believes that death is simply the extinguishing of a light, no big deal.

However, I do believe that there are any number of human behaviors and actions that can be classified as “sins”. For me a sin is any action or behavior that damages another being either physically, mentally or emotionally.  I would also put into the definition harming the environment, the planet, the overuse of resources, basically any unethical behavior that reaches Continue reading “A Polemic – Which Is the Greater Sin?”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,230

yeah I know you did not ask!

Am I the only that finds it ironic that Republicans across the nation and in Washington, the PRO-LIFE party, are willing to sacrifice 1,000s of lives in their attempt to maintain the economic health of the US of A.

I suppose that most of those will be senior citizens makes it alright.  And these are the same folks that have been pushing the person-hood of unborn fetuses. A living, breathing person with a network of friends and families is expendable, and the other is not…until they are born.

The other irony in all this is that the religious right has embraced the Republican Party and Donald Trump with both arms and gone “all in” on their bet.  The Christianity I learned about was a religion of compassion and caring. That concepts seems to have gone missing from both Trump and the Religious Right.

America – The Dysfunctional Family: Time for Some Tough Love

Most of us have a family member who is dysfunctional either from drugs, alcohol, mental illness, or any number of other possible things.  They seem to take up more of the family’s time, resources and energy than is their due.  We all have been in a situation where a family member, friend, coworker, or stranger thought they should get more than their fair share of… you name it.  Neither is right.

The analogy I wish to draw is this.  The NRA(National Rifle Association),  The Tea Party, the Anti-Choicers ,  the Religious Right, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent and many others groups are not in sync with the majority of the American population.  Yet they seem to be setting the agenda for many things as they are funding politicians and can mobilize a block of voters.  Poll after poll has demonstrated that their beliefs and goals are not really that of mainstream, middle of the road Americans.

The other analogy that I want to make is that the corporations and excessively wealthy are taking seconds, thirds, fourths… before the platter even gets around the table to little Bobby.

We need to stop acting like a dysfunctional family.  We need to stop letting the bullies take our school lunch money.  It is time to practice some Tough Love.


This survey compared Tea Party members to “mainstream conservatives.  There is a huge gap there.  Can you imagine what it would be if they compared the Tea Party to middle of the political spectrum Americans. Read about survey


A while after I posted this little piece this slightly more polished article came out:  Has America Become Entirely Dysfunctional?