Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,975

yeah I know you did not ask!

Señora for Christmas last year bought me a tear off calendar with daily puzzles. Most are fairly easy, but some require a little thought.  This is the one that popped up October 14.

Which one does not belong: 22  45  51  96

It was proof positive that 30 years of programming have warped my mental processes.  I looked at this, and immediately decided that 96 was the odd man out.  Why? We all know about 2 character state codes, AL, MO, AR, OK, MS, etc.  But there are many software applications that use a two digit state code ranging from 01 to 51, and for the purpose of these applications the District of Columbia being counted as a state.

When I looked at the answer I knew my logic had been twisted by bits and bytes.  As you are racing to tell me, the correct response is 22, being the only one when divided by 3 that does NOT result in a whole number.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 278

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’m at the dentist getting my teeth clean.  The young female hygienist needs to move a piece of apparatus  that is on a pivot from my left side to my right side.  As she is doing so the vertical bar holding the tray bumps into my feet.  She tells me, “I need a couple more inches.”

My internal dialogue responded, “You’re not the first female to tell me that.”

All which reminds me of my most frequent golf joke.  When a putt or chip comes up a little short I have a tendency to say, “Just like my ex-wife used to tell me all the time, ‘another couple inches and that would have been pretty good.'”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 2,583

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’m flipping through the channels and got stuck for a moment on the Rachel Maddox show.  They were showing a Trump rally somewhere.  There was a “gentleman” carrying a hand lettered sign that read, “Better to grab a P*&%y than to be one.

First at that point why are you bothering with masking the word pussy.  You have already stepped over the line.  Secondly, my thought was, “Hillary was right, many of the Trump supporters are deplorable.”