The Other Side of Qatar

Luisito Comunica is a Mexican YouTuber  who is SUPER popular in in Latin America with almost 40,000,000 followers.  He travels around the world making YouTube videos of the various countries he visits. Occasionally you will also see his girlfriend (may be ex now) in the videos.  She is a very hot Venezuelan model.  Talk about a couple of opposites. Go figure!

I watch his videos to have another channel of Spanish input into my old brain, plus he is VERY entertaining.  Most of the time his videos are on the lighter side or pointing out cultural oddities. Occasionally he gets serious as he has done in this video.

In early 2017, Qatar’s total population was 2.6 million, with 313,000 of them Qatari citizens.  Basically you have millions of imported workers supporting the Qatari few. I wonder what Mohamed would think about that situation in light of the squalid living conditions?

Since his audience is Latin America, English subtitles are not available, but I think a few minutes watching this video and you will get the idea… even if you do not understand him.

This is his third video in Qatar.  The first two were of the side of Qatar the powers to be there would like you to see.  I sincerely hope that he has left Qatar before posting this one.