Word of the Day – Putative

Word of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one I think worth sharing and there are not too many on my landing page.  Words have always fascinated me, and I am a fan of all types of word play, especially puns.  I have a hard time not looking up a word that I am unfamiliar with or not sure of the definition. I like those authors that stretch me by throwing in unexpected terms.   

  • Adjective: Putative
    1. commonly regarded as such
    2. assumed to exist or to have existed.
  • Synonyms:
    1.  presumed
    2. presumptive
    3. reputed
    4. supposed
    5. accepted
    6. alleged
    7. assumed
    8. hypothetical
    9. imputed
    10. reported
  • Usage:
    1. “When a former Navy SEAL with ties to a raft of Trumpworld figures landed in Haiti nearly a decade ago, his putative mission was to lead raid and rescue operations that would recover a missing American child.”
  • Encountered:
    1.  While reading an article on my Google news feed from The Daily Beast: How Ex-SEAL on Child Rescue Mission Became Island Kingpin The article caught my attention as I was imagining a modern day Lord Jim, not an article on corruption in Haiti, that is pretty much a given.

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