He is your President for Goodness Sake!

I will have to admit as a card carry liberal (I’m still thinking about putting a bumper sticker on my vehicle that says, “If’n you ain’t Liberal, you ain’t shit”) I have been very disappointed in Obama.  In many ways I find him much too conservative for my taste.

Then on the other hand the response of the Republicans have been appalling, while I am not a big fan of the Democrat party the alternative is totally unacceptable.

My own explanation for the recent election is the aging population and the fact that they must be suffering short term memory deficit.   How else can you explain that many folks are blaming the economy on Obama and have forgotten the obnoxious behavior of the Republicans in Congress and especially in the Senate.

Our current political morass has me sticking my head in the sand as I cannot stand to watch it.  It just plain hurts too much.  Sadly.

Here is a link to an article in a Canadian newspaper that makes incredible sense.  He’s your President for Goodness Sake!

I personally think it is such a good read and an important read I have included the whole text below. Continue reading “He is your President for Goodness Sake!”