Odds of Winning the Lottery

Okay, I admit it. I buy a lottery ticket when the prize gets absurdly big.  Of course, the minimum prize of $20 million would be as life changing (shattering?) as the world record $1.6 billion purse for tonight’s drawing.

Last night as I was in line to buy our ticket for the drawing for this extraordinary sum of money, the guy in front of me bought $40 of lottery tickets.  I also witnessed someone buying $24 worth a few days ago.  Last time the top prize got nearly this big I saw a gentleman buy $100 worth of dreams.

The odds of picking all six numbers correctly Continue reading “Odds of Winning the Lottery”


So I am standing in line at Sam’s (go figure that there was a line in Sam’s), and the guy powerballbehind me starts talking about the $900 million Powerball. I comment how it is amazing how people go crazy when the jackpot gets this high as it would be life changing for most folks if they won $2 million.

He then comments that maybe if he won he would buy the Rams.

He thinks a minute longer then goes, “Nah, no worth it.”