Sunday Morning Snobbery

I first noticed the father, a vaguely unkempt looking man picking out a bowling ball.  It was hard to tell his age, but I am guessing around mine, pushing 60.  His hair was all white, and he was bald on top.  A comb or brush would not have hurt his look.  He was dressed in a pair of black Rustler jeans and a black t-shirt that was a tad too short for him. 

imagesI then noticed his wife. She appeared to be at least 20 years his junior. She was obese enough that her belly had more than formed an apron.   Initially I thought she was Hispanic.  I shortly heard her say something, and it was classic Tennessee country.  Neither she nor her husband were ugly, but then again they were not particularly handsome.

Then the passel of kids came into focus.  There were a total of four.  The oldest, a boy, who never took down his sweatshirt hood, looked to be 12 or 13.   Continue reading “Sunday Morning Snobbery”

OCP Developer PL/SQL Program Units Exam Guide

OCP Developer PL/SQL Program Units Exam Guide by Steve O’Hearn available at

51nhzb2udkl_bo2204203200_pisitb-sticker-arrow-clicktopright35-76_aa240_sh20_ou01_I have not real gripes with book.  It is not great; it is not bad.  There are not a lot of resources out there to use to study for the OCP Developer exam.  This seems to be one of the few resources out there outside of one of the exam prep companies. 

I’ve been in this business more than a few years, and I am used to reading technical manuals and books.  This one is especially dry.  I really had to crack my internal whip to get after it.

 My real gripe is the CD packaged with it.  Continue reading “OCP Developer PL/SQL Program Units Exam Guide”

Health Care Triage

I was passed an email that was basically trashing Hillary and Hillary’s proposed health care plan in particular.   Frankly, I have not studied or read enough about her plan to really comment on it.   And normally, I just let emails like this  pass, but for some reason I felt compelled to respond to that one.   Below is my response:

I’ve been thinking about this a little. One the issues with any health care plan is triage.   Basically, there are limited medical resources to go around no matter what the system.  So the question becomes how do we distribute those limited resources and who makes that decision.

Route 1:
This method would be by finances, which is basically in effect today.  If you got the money, you got the care.  Obviously this favors the wealthy over the poor and increasing the middle class

Continue reading “Health Care Triage”