Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,041

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was messing around on a website and the website wanted me to elected a personal pronoun to continue.

Apparently, “No f**** way!”, is not an acceptable response.

I see myself as more than a little liberal. There is no need to be jamming folks up in boxes of acceptability. If it makes you happy, be happy.  I might not want to hang with you, but hey you might not want to hang with me.  We’ll just move on and do our own thing. Life and the two of us will be just fine.

However, this whole woke culture, this whole overly political correct police, is about to turn me into a fanatical reactionary, the bunch of namby pambies.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,038

yeah I know you did not ask!

This present generation is so over the top on PC – Political Correctness that I personally find it troubling.  They seem to become offended by nearly every term that is not absolutely tepid tea.

So ironically, to this old fart, to this old curmudgeon, this is the same generation that has come with the derogatory term, “OK, BOOMER”.  A term applied to older folks who they feel are out of date and their point of view is no longer relevant.

All I am saying, WHIPPERSNAPPER,  is that if you are going to talk the talk, you should be walking the walk.

Below are a couple articles that give some examples of PC ran amok… in this humble BOOMER’s opinion.

A to Z of politically correct madness: The Left’s ‘Thought Police’ continues to censor language as ‘manfully’ is labelled sexist

11 Examples Of Political Correctness Gone Mad

Just as a side note, the first time I heard the term, being an Okie, I thought it was a sports put down of the University of Oklahoma teams…Sooner Boomers.

Take George Washington Off the One Dollar Bill

I believe it is time to remove George Washington from the quarter coin and the one dollar bill. While we are about it, I think we need to tear down the Washington george-washington-one-dollar-billmonument. The monument, besides glorifying this man, is unabashedly phallic.

I suppose it would not be out of bounds for you to ask me why I have come to this conclusion. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are considered the founders of the Democratic Party. Jefferson-Jackson Day is a Democratic Party fundraising tradition across our country. The Missouri Democratic Party has decided to change the name of it biggest fund raiser from the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner to the Harry S. Truman Dinner.

Let’s parse this for moment.

The objection expressed during the local NPR news story was that Jefferson and Jackson both were slave owners.   Nearly 30 percent of our presidents have been slave owners, a total of 12 of the 44 individuals. Of the first 18 presidents, 13 owned slaves. This is not an attempt to excuse, but we are all a result of the time and place our lives pass through. Norms also change with time and place. Continue reading “Take George Washington Off the One Dollar Bill”