Carly Fiorina – Only people with the “right talent” deserve a family centered life.

carly fiorina

“When I was chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, we also offered paid maternity leave and paid paternity leave,” she said. “It’s pretty clear that the private sector, like Netflix, is doing the right thing because they know it helps them attract the right talent.” ~~ Carly Fiorina, one of the mob vying for the Republican presidential nomination.

As I readied myself for work this Monday morning, I was getting my morning cup of WTF by listening to the political news on NPR. I heard the above quote from Ms. Fiorina and my cup overflowed.

First and foremost came the thought that if you were not the “right talent” then you did not deserve paternity leave? That tells me all I need to know about the Ms. Fiorina’s world view. Compassion apparently is not on her Rolodex or in her contact list. One can only assume that as the former head of a tech company she has dumped the Rolodex, but the rest of her views tend to point in the other direction.

When I was searching the Internet to make sure Continue reading “Carly Fiorina – Only people with the “right talent” deserve a family centered life.”