Pit Bull Christmas

038aI have a hypothesis that is likely totally bogus, but I am running with it anyway.  My supposition deals with older women and pets, particularly cats and especially small dogs.  As a woman passes the age of fecundity, as she passes the period of child rearing she does not lose her mothering instinct, her need to nurture.  Small dogs fulfill this role admirably. Small dogs are not so big as to overwhelm one, or so big that they take over the house.  Small dogs are in most ways much easier to care for. They are frequently very loyal and loving to their primary care giver.  Plus, many are as cute as the proverbial speckled pup under a red wagon.  Another one of my hypotheses is that as the genders age, they become similar.  I’m betting this one has a less of a chance of being bogus.  One reason I think this is that you frequently see older men with small dogs.  Perhaps they are walking them for their spouses.  Continue reading “Pit Bull Christmas”

Pit Bull Owners

On the back of some whomping big SUV, all across the back window was this:   If it ain’t PIT (then a outline drawing of a pit bull’s head)  It ain’t SHIT.

Rightly or wrongly pit bulls have been maligned.  I really do not understand why anyone would want one.  It is not my idea of a good pet.  Most of the stories you read or hear about dogs attacking/killing humans are pit bulls.

The bill board on the back of this vehicle pretty details the attitude of the owners of animals, in your face and not caring about other folks.  I am hoping it was the husband’s vehicle, because there was a sweet young thing driving it.   Sad part is it had Arkansas tags.  I do not see this sort of thing as helping the state’s image, which is already not the best.