Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,038

yeah I know you did not ask!

This present generation is so over the top on PC – Political Correctness that I personally find it troubling.  They seem to become offended by nearly every term that is not absolutely tepid tea.

So ironically, to this old fart, to this old curmudgeon, this is the same generation that has come with the derogatory term, “OK, BOOMER”.  A term applied to older folks who they feel are out of date and their point of view is no longer relevant.

All I am saying, WHIPPERSNAPPER,  is that if you are going to talk the talk, you should be walking the walk.

Below are a couple articles that give some examples of PC ran amok… in this humble BOOMER’s opinion.

A to Z of politically correct madness: The Left’s ‘Thought Police’ continues to censor language as ‘manfully’ is labelled sexist

11 Examples Of Political Correctness Gone Mad

Just as a side note, the first time I heard the term, being an Okie, I thought it was a sports put down of the University of Oklahoma teams…Sooner Boomers.