There is an unknown person at work who obviously has a garden. Occasionally they will bring in product of the aforementioned agricultural endeavor. Some of it is rather strange, a single banana pepper, a half a cucumber, a grossly misshaped tomato.
Last week this incognito agronomic benefactor brought in a small, yellow bucket of tomatoes. Next day there was a sign on the table in the break indicating that the tomatoes were gratis and to be taken, but please return the bucket. I laughed.
This morning there were a few “maters” and two stalks of okra on the break room table. I commented to a young lady in there, “That is rather strange, what do you do with just two stalks of okra?”
Her rejoinder was, “You eat it raw.”
“Raw”, I said, “I’ve eaten okra fried, boiled and pickled, but never raw.”
The lady replied, “They are crunchy like potato chips, but healthier.”
I had nothing to say after that. Anyone else ever eat okra raw?