I Just Lacked Patience

I spend hardly anytime on Nextdoor.  I actually have their notifications going to an email account I use if I think I might be spammed by a site or business.  Every day or two or three I flip through this account to see if there is anything of interest there, but mainly just to delete all the trash.  Today, however, one notification of a posting on Nextdoor caught my attention.

Sharon RottlerKirkwood Park / Meramec17 hr ago

Someone just left me $60 in cash on my front porch with a note that said “mailbox replacement “ . We have been talking about replacing our mailbox, just haven’t gotten around to it. If you left the cash, please let me know who you are and why you felt the need to give us money.?

Some of you, dear cherished readers, may remember a posting of mine, The Things We Notice, on this same channel.  In that posting I touched on several things but one was the replacing of the post on which rides our mailbox.

After reading the Nextdoor posting, I quickly came to the conclusion that I had not been patient enough, that I should have listened to Señora’s encouragement just a little while longer before undertaking the much needed replacement of our mailbox post.  Since I replaced the old post with a new cedar post, since I reused the mailbox that Sarah had painted, since I did the labor myself, the $60 would have covered my costs, and it would have left me enough over for a six-pack of one of the craft beers that I so enjoy.  Ahhh…Grasshopper… patience.

You have to feel for the poster though.  She tossed a softball to all the trolls out there.  Some of the comments were just funny, but a least a couple were down right mean.  Life on line is not for the faint of heart at times.

And so it goes.

I don’t mean to be a Grinch…

A while back I enrolled on an app for neighborhoods, Nextdoor, as I had the need to sell some items.

Left turn Clyde… if you ever have a need to fill up a nut house, just put something vaguely of value on Craigslist for free.  I guarantee that within 24 hours your institution will be overflowing.

Another left turn Clyde… I suppose nut house is not political correct these days, perhaps I should have said, “abode for the sanity challenged.” Oops, cannot use that name, Congress has already taken full possession of it.

Back to the main road Clyde… I’m not a big fan of Nextdoor.  It seems to be a lot of Millennials and a few Gen Xers whining about nearly anything. We live in a neighborhood with reasonable sized lots, lots of trees and a huge, miles long greenbelt with a small stream running the length of it.  Lots of wildlife to be seen at times, mainly deer, coyotes, raccoons, squirrels, hawks, but no lion, tigers or bears, oh my.  Almost daily someone on Nextdoor is warning about one or the other.  A while back someone was upset because their male neighbor was mowing his lawn with his shirt off.  Complaining of speeders is another recurring theme, even though CPD makes its budget with speed traps on major ingressing streets for this neighborhood.

I have my notices from Nextdoor going to an email address I use for sites I believe will spam me, and I only check it sporadically.  So when I saw this notification of a posting with just the first few words in the email, I thought, “well another Millennial aspiring to be a Curmudgeon!”  Wanting to verify my impression I opened up the posting:

“I don’t mean to be a Grinch however………. to those of you who are placing Christmas lights/ decorations in your yard, would you please avoid anything that has red and blue lights flashing together. Every time I come around the corner, I think it’s the police and I have a panic attack. I have to brake hard, toss my margarita out the window, fasten my seat belt, throw my phone on the floor, turn my radio down, and all while trying to drive. It’s just too much drama, even for Christmas.”

Cracked me up, and it does capture the spirit of Nextdoor.

And so it goes.