Mrs. Wolowitz

I stopped by REI in St. Louis on the way home today. As is my custom when I go there I took a swing through the men’s clothing to see if there was anything on sale that I Mrs. Wolowitzabsolutely could not live without. There was not.

As I was strolling through the department I noticed a man of medium height, slender build, bald head and fortyish in age. He was trying on Outdoor Research hats, not an uncommon sight in REI. I am few strides past the man when I hear a loud, nasal, female voice with a very pronounced Jewish accent say, “You’re going to Brooklyn, why do you need Gore-Tex?”

Thinking that I would be the one to finally see Howard Wolowitz’s mother I leisurely made a u-turn by a rack of pants. Imagine my disappointment when instead of Mrs. Wolowitz, I see an attractive looking woman who appeared to be about 10 years younger than the man trying on the Gore-Tex hats.