Mother Nature is a Bee..aacchh.

Recently I was standing at the kitchen sink, sipping my morning coffee as I stared out the window into the backyard at the new day. I noticed a robin that was acting a bit peculiar. He would hop to my left suddenly, then just as suddenly he would hop back to the right.  He had done this jig two or three times when curiosity overwhelmed me and I put my nose closer to the picture window framing our back yard.

To my left, in the flower garden containing the bird feeding station, on the ground, was a Continue reading “Mother Nature is a Bee..aacchh.”


This just ain’t right…

Here it is the 31st of December, 2021  in St. Louis, Missouri and our daffodils are trying to come up.  At least part of our yard of northern grasses looks like a pass with the mower would do it some good. The temperature currently is 65. Most of the week has been mild and rainy.

But wait, there is about to be a major beat down of our poor, confused flowers.  Sunday is going to be a high of 24 with an overnight low of 10. Later in the week snow might be here with lows in the single digits.

I once heard someone describe Mother Nature as a pissed off biker bitch with a bad attitude.  And yet we keep messing with her.

And so it goes.

Mother Nature had the last laugh

We own three vehicles between the two of us.  My wife drives a Subaru Outback.  I have a Toyota Tacoma as my primary vehicle, and a Mazda MX-5 Miata that I just drive when the weather is nice.  It is generally the car I take to the golf course.

I generally do a good cleaning of my vehicles twice a year.  I do one cleaning in the spring after winter, and another sometime in the autumn before we go into the yucky months of winter.  This year with my wife’s health problems combined with the abnormally frequent rains we have had this spring; my spring cleaning has been delayed.  Here it is the end of June and I am now just doing it.

I do need to mention that I retired at the end of January.  This means that I am not driving my Tacoma as a daily commuter.  Typically when we go somewhere as couple we take the Outback.  We occasionally will take the Miata if the weather is nice and there will not be any imbibing of alcohol.  My wife refuses to learn how to drive a stick shift, and I have no desire to receive a DWI.   When I take out the Miata I have to move the Tacoma. I keep the convertible in the garage and the truck in the driveway.  I mention this to say that the Tacoma is not sitting idle even when I am driving the Miata frequently.  All of which brings me to my surprise of the other day.

Part of my cleaning regime is to pop the hood and give the engine a good wash down, check the fluids, etc.  When I did so, I discovered this amazing nest in the corner of the engine compartment next to the brake fluid reservoir.

If you look closely at the picture you will see Continue reading “Mother Nature had the last laugh”