Door Hangers

The last several times I have stayed at a hotel/motel for a duration of more than one day, housekeeping has not come into the room  to straighten it and make the bed.  It does not seem to matter what hotel chain or their level of service.  I attribute this to three causes.  First, during the pandemic these chains were super cautious and bragging about their amped up level of cleanliness. It was a way to keep staff safe.  Secondly, after the pandemic Continue reading “Door Hangers”

I, at least, thought I was hilarious.

I spent a few nights in a motel in Jackson, by gawd, Mississippi while visiting a friend done there.  The scrolling marquee on the billboard for the motel advertised free breakfast, pool and WiFi.

One evening I went up to the front desk and requested two of the free wifies for the night.  The clerk looked at me with an expression somewhere between incomprehension and customer service patience migrating to head banging exasperation.

I, at least, thought I was hilarious.

A Good Time at Uncle Mike’s House

Robin and I have a very fond memory of a night and a morning that we spent at Joe Mike’s House.  It was after Sue had passed away and he was staying in the house while her kids figured out what to do with it.  Robin and had taken our first extended trip together.  We had been down to Mississippi and across to Florida during the week of 4th of July.  As they say, we had and were having an excellent time.

We wanted to stop and visit in Owensboro.  We arrived there late, never thinking about it being hard to find a motel room.  What we did not know was that the large hotel on the river had closed down, and all the other baseball_bat_kid_by_sir_smoke_alotmotels were full.

We decided to venture over to Uncle Mike’s even though it was close to one in the morning. Before I went and knocked on the door I got a bottle of rum out of trunk (remember we were on vacation) as a peace offering.  I knocked on the door several times, each time progressively louder.  I could not rouse anyone in the house.  Remembering that the bedroom was at the side of the house I went to   that window.  I called Mike’s name a few times and finally heard a commotion in the bedroom.  I went back onto the porch expecting a friendly greeting by my Uncle.  Instead there was a wild man at the door with a baseball bat.

After our initial shocks, we greeted.  We then sat on that sweet porch drinking rum and cokes until 2 or 3 in the morning.  I am not sure what we talked about, probably our travels.

What makes this story special for us, besides the good time on the porch is what happened the next morning.  Not having any other bed, Robin and I slept on a twin bed in the back bedroom.  Even though we had been dating a few months I had never told her that I loved her.  In telling someone that, it is a huge commitment and carries with it a tremendous responsibility.  At least it should.  I hugged her that next morning and said, “I’ve loved you for a while now, but I was afraid of the responsibility of that.”  Or something to that effect.

I’ve been loving her quite a while now.

Random Thought # 762,514

…yeah I know you did not ask!

A while back I was watching Monster’s Ball with a girlfriend.  The scene came on where Billy Bob Thornton is in a motel room with a local “lady” of the evening.  The act was very impersonal with the hooker acting like they were chatting over coffee. It was definitely going to be one of those cases of a mini rate for a mini stay.

The girlfriend asked me if that is how it was.  I replied that I had no idea since I had never engaged professional services for that area of my life.  And I have not.

I have since ruminated on that conversation.  If I ever got to the point where I was so horny that I thought I needed those services, it would probably be over so quickly as to make it not worth the money spent.  Plus the Scottish in me would not allow me to pay for something I could take care of myself. Please don’t tell Christine O’Donnell. She might have to place me on a Wiccan altar and have a midnight sacrifice/picnic. Cream with your coffee, Christine?