The World/Life/Etc. Explained

We live in a ass-backwards world.

We are the mirror image of a good universe.

  • Evil seems to be rewarded beyond measure and no good deed goes unpunished
  • A few very rich or powerful folks get to make the rules and dictate how most folks live
  • Education is not about learning, but learning how to make money
  • We worry about the afterlife, more than we worry about the here and now
  • Brittany Spears is famous and Ellis Paul languishes in relative obscurity
  • War and violence are touted as manly pursuits and arts and humanities are for wimps
  • Poverty is considered a moral failure of the individual and not a moral failure of the system
  • A person’s skin color determines his opportunities not what is inside the person
  • Business has a separate set of morals that if  an individual acted on that set they would imprisoned

I’m going to go on, but later when I have more inspiration.  In the mean time I am waiting for Capt. Picard to send the Enterprise around the sun 10 times at Warp 9 and see if it will reverse the converse.

A Bit of Wisdom from My Father

railroad_tracks418A cat was napping on the railroad tracks.  A train came along and chopped off his tail.  He turned around to see what had happened to his tail.  While he was inspecting the damage another train came along from  the other direction.  It chopped off his head. 

Know what the moral of this story is? 

Don’t lose your head over a piece of tail.

I have no idea why he told that story to the 17 year old me!