Racism and Misogyny have won out

Kamala Harris is infinitely more qualified to be President of the United States than the tRump.  I just do not understand how so many people could vote for this horrible, terribly horrible person except by explaining it by their fear of a woman of color holding the office – racism and misogyny.   They also rejected Hillary Clinton, who was probably the most qualified person to run for the office in my lifetime.

I am having fantasies of checking out of this world rather than living through the next four years of the cluster fuck that is going to be a second go round with this monster.  But I am not likely to do so as Señora has had enough pain in her life, plus I doubt I have the courage.  What is about to come down the road, however, might make me desperate enough.

As a military brat I always had a great love and pride of country. No more.  With tRump, Christian Nationalism, Project 2025, etc., I have come to hate what this country has become, especially since they seem to be doubling done on the awfulness.  It does seem like from all the history I have read, that in the long run, evil generally wins out over good. tRump is evil incarnate.

Truly if there is a god as detailed in the religious texts, he hates humanity, as we keep getting leaders of such low caliber.   I really thought that when tRump was elected the first time, it was one of the worst days of my life.  I was wrong.  Since we know what a monster tRump is this time around, yet he was elected, this time feels and is significantly worse.

The only positive thing to come out of last night is that Missourians did vote to repeal the draconian ban of abortion.  However, I fully expect tRump and gangsters to make a national abortion ban law.

May the Devil save us as apparently God is not going to do so.

And so it should not go.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,805

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

If truth was required in advertising and political slogans, MAGA, Make America Great Again, would actually read MAWA.  Make America White Again, or more to the point Make America Great for White Men Again.  However, that does not fit on a ball cap and be easily readable, nor is MAGFWMA very pronounceable. MAGAs seem to have no problem with open misogyny, and barely hide their racism behind rhetoric about illegal immigration. They justify their misogyny with religious language. Their racism has even more nefarious roots.

Of course, the underlying implication of MAGA is that America is not great now, but that seems circular.  If America is not great now, it has a lot to do with the MAGA movement.

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