Saturday at the flea market

I was at the local flea market last Saturday.  I would not want to go too often, but to pass the occasional afternoon, it is entertaining. 

First there are the vendors.  They were selling everything from self made crafts to junk imported from China.  At least in the south you can always count on a vendor or two pushing swords, knives, and other assorted marital aids.  This market had a vendor pushing an item that looked like a cross between brass knuckles and a taser. I’m still trying to figure out the swords. It has been a long time since I have heard of anyone dueling Continue reading “Saturday at the flea market”

Links on H-1B Issue

As I find them I am going to add links about the H-1B / outsourcing issue that  is quickly eroding the life style of  middle class worker in this country.  All in the name of profit at any cost.

How the Middle Class lost the Globalization War

I’m not the only that thinks our leaders have let corporations sell us down the river for quick profits. I’m not for protectionism, but if we are going to have “fair trade”, let make it really fair and equitiable.

There is a vast concentration of wealth with a very small group in this country. They do not care what happens to the rest of us as long as they maintain and grow thier greedy portion of our communal wealth.

My argument was and remains that I do not care if you have more than one piece of pie as long as every has at least one. That is not happening. These folks have 90% of the pie and 95% of us are fighting over the remaining 10%.

How the Middle Class has become Globalizations designated losers (They no longer have the article up at the Philadelphia Examiner)

Health Care Triage

I was passed an email that was basically trashing Hillary and Hillary’s proposed health care plan in particular.   Frankly, I have not studied or read enough about her plan to really comment on it.   And normally, I just let emails like this  pass, but for some reason I felt compelled to respond to that one.   Below is my response:

I’ve been thinking about this a little. One the issues with any health care plan is triage.   Basically, there are limited medical resources to go around no matter what the system.  So the question becomes how do we distribute those limited resources and who makes that decision.

Route 1:
This method would be by finances, which is basically in effect today.  If you got the money, you got the care.  Obviously this favors the wealthy over the poor and increasing the middle class

Continue reading “Health Care Triage”