Strategy Masquerading as a Tactic

We were sitting around the table the other night playing cards (well Phase 10 – which is almost a card game).  For some reason the question came up as what the difference was between strategy and tactic.  We hashed it around a while, and we came to a consensus.

A few days later I was listening to NPR and they were doing a story on Newt Gingrich.  They said of an exchange he had with a reporter that it was “a strategy masquerading as a tactic’.  He was turning the tables on the political press.  The reporter asked him a long winded question that was essentially of the type “so how long since you stopped beating your wife.”   Mr. Gingrich flipped it on the reporter and asked him when he was going to stop asking “gotcha” questions.

From the NPR print version of the story I heard By Attacking The Media, Gingrich Built A Following here is the actual exchange: Continue reading “Strategy Masquerading as a Tactic”