Presidential Candidates

Rick Perry –Do we really want a President who wants to eliminate Federal agencies, and cannot even remember the names of the agencies he wants to axe?  This is the same man who believes global warming/climate change to be a myth and we should not be addressing the issue.  I want a President with intelligence who does not believe in fairy tales.

Herman Cain – He keeps repeating that we need a businessman in the White House.  Pardon me, but was it not business that has gotten us into this current economic morass? There are multiple allegations of sexual harassment of women by Mr. Cain.  I tend to think where there is this much smoke, there must be fire.  Do we really want a President that does not respect women anymore than this?  It is one thing to be a cad like Clinton.  It is quite another thing to attempt to force trading sexual favors for a job.  We need a President with a moral center.

Michele Bachman – All I can say is that she lives in a delusional world.

Ron Paul – The America that this man envisions is not an America I want to live in.  Continue reading “Presidential Candidates”