Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5784.276

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

Every year Señora and I do the same little dance around Christmas time.  We start asking the other what they want for Christmas/Hanukah.  The thing is at this stage of our life we really do not need much except those things necessary for daily living.  Both of us have the habit of if we “want” something we tend to buy it for ourselves.  Plus we will frequently surprise the other by buying them little presents as the muse hits us, a nice, silly, loving, little gesture to do for the other.

I had been down in the Valley the other day.  When I returned home, wanting to get a jump on the season, I told Señora I saw what she could buy me for Christmas.

“Oh,” she attentively replied.

“Yup,” I answered, “I saw a brand new  Porsche 911 GTS almost the exact same color of my Mazda MX-5 Miata.”

Juanita Rush goes for a ride in Little Blue

The Miata, my mid life crisis automobile that I bought 17 years ago,  is a bright blue the sticker called Winning Blue. The vehicle still looks good, runs good,  and I continue to get compliments on it.

This particular Porsche starts at $186, 250. Add another $4,220 for the specialty color they are calling Shark Blue and you have a starting point of $190, 470 good American dollars.  Gawd only knows where it ends at.

“Well,” she said, “you had better start buying lottery tickets.”

I can still hear her laughter ringing in my ears 30 minutes after she went in pursuit of more fulfilling activities than conversation with her beloved.

But, damn, that was a pretty car…

And so it goes.

3 Viagra Stories

My mother going for a ride in LI BLU


I bought my 2006 top-of-the-line Mazda MX-5 (a rose is a rose by any name…so Miata works) almost new in May of 2007. The 50ish gentleman I bought it from had fallen in love with a younger women with two small children.  He needed a family car to accommodate his new family,  and so he was desperate to sell.  I worked the deal and paid a very reasonable price for the car.  I almost felt sorry for him, but a deal is a deal.

If you are not familiar with a Miata it is a little two seat convertible.  Mine is a bright blue that has become reasonably popular the last few years.  Back then it was unique.  At the time I was dating Continue reading “3 Viagra Stories”

Last Request

Mark Rush's houseFor years I’ve been telling my kids I want to be cremated when I pass from this plane of existence. I then want them to grow some tomato plants and/or marijuana plants in containers. They can take my ashes and spread them on within the containers. My thought being they could then enjoy me in a nice salad or relax on the patio with a doobie.   Either way they could remember me one more time.

David has never said much either way about my last request. Keely has remarked in the past that she thought that be a gross idea. However, she may be coming around a little.

I came up with another idea today.   They could bury me in my little blue Miata. In one hand they could place a doobie. In the other hand they could put a bottle of nice wine. And for the crowning touch, place a mannequin in there with me in such position that it looks like she is giving me road head.

Now that is the way to enter the afterlife.

Matter of Perspective, I Reckon

It was a pretty Sunday afternoon, and Robin talked me into taking her for a ride in my Miata.  Truth is she really did not have to talk too hard. 

Well we rode there, and we rode here.  Did not really matter, we were just enjoying the spring weather and sunshine.  I decided to pull into Creve Coeur Park by Sailboat Cove.  I was hoping the snow cone stand would be open, but it wasn’t.

As we were driving into the parking lot Robin said, “Oh what a cute puppy.” 

I’m going to give myself a little credit as I did not say, “Huh?”…out loud.   It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about.  The cute young thing I had been eyeballing had a puppy on a leash.

It is all a matter of perspective, I reckon.