Google Kowtowing to the Idiocracy

Screw Google and screw those idiots occupying the White House.  This the GULF OF MEXICO.  It is not the Gulf of America.  I am surprised El puto pendejo naranja  did not name it the Gulf of Trump.

I am so embarrassed to be a citizen of this country with such a person occupying the presidency.  I have been wanting to call this administration The Gang That Could Not Shoot Straight, but that would be a compliment for them.

When will this nightmare end?

I complained to Google about this change and it would wonderful if a lot of other folks did too.  However, they do not make it easy to send them feedback.  I hunted around for 10 minutes before I figured out how.  And then there is the fact that they really do not care what I think.

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Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5785.055

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

I went downstairs this morning and said to Señora, “What about fixing me some eggs for breakfast?”

She replied, “Are your arms broken?  I know you know where the skillet is.  You put it up last night after you washed the dishes.”

She went on to add, “Besides who do you think you are, the King of England, wanting eggs for breakfast. We’re not jet setters around here who can afford such luxuries.”

All of which reminded me of a story about my daughter from when she was in 5th grade:   $40 A$$

For an interesting comparison of egg prices: Price of eggs in Mexico

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #7,135

yeah I know you did not ask!

I suppose another one you could file under ironic. Certainly something to ponder on.

I was working with one of my Spanish tutors when somehow the subject of George Floyd and Michael Brown came up.  My Mexican tutor who lives in Tijuana told me that in Mexico the American police have the reputation of being brutal.  I had no real argument with that, but said, “and the police in Mexico?” To which he replied, “they are not brutal, simply corrupt.”

What a world we live in when those who should be serving and protecting are frequently doing neither.

And so it goes.

It is official: I am old

By whatever methodology of measure you elect to utilize, I am not a young man.  I have not been so for a while now.  The other day I celebrated my 69th birthday by mowing and fertilizing the lawn.  Brothers being brothers, one of mine reminded me that as of my birthday this year I was beginning my 70th circuit around the sun. Thanks Mike, now pass me the foam encounter bat, you fellow old curmudgeon. My wife, for my birthday this year, bought me a coffee mug with my name on it.  I deduced that she was afraid that with my advancing decrepitude I might not remember who I was… let it alone my name.

However, the real kicker Continue reading “It is official: I am old”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,094

yeah I know you did not ask!

Okay I am going to engage in the use stereotypes.  My main experience with Mexican people is with those that come here to do menial or hard jobs that most Americans do not want to do.  They invariably seem to be hard workers.  My other main experience is with Mexicans at these resorts where they pamper to fat tourists who have disposable incomes.  The staff there also seem invariably to be hard workers.

It is an established fact that wealth inequality, aka lopsided wealth distribution favoring a few over the many, is economically disadvantageous.  Mexico has a very high Gini index.  The US does too, but we seem to put more money back into infrastructure, and have a middle class, shrinking though it is.

So we have this country of hard working people, most of whom want to make a better life for self and family.  Mexico is already the 16th biggest economy on the planet. What a powerhouse Mexico would be if it removed this hindrance to economic growth that is wealth inequality.

I also wonder about the US.  How much better most of us would be if we did not allow so much wealth to accumulate with a few.  If this money was going back into schools, infrastructure, health care, etc.

Bon Temps Roulez

We just got back from a week on the beach in sunny, warm, friendly Mexico.  I mention this because it is snowing and 16 degrees outside.  About nine or ten days before we left I noticed that my wife (aka Robin the Beautiful) was sleeping restlessly.  She was also mumbling during these restless periods.  I could not really make out single words, let alone a coherent sentence.   Sometimes I could pick out something that sounded like Getty, get or possibly Gertrude!  And sometime there was a word that sounded like back.  I thought maybe she was singing the Beatles’ song Get Back. I thought that a little strange as I have not known it to be one in her repertoire, but dreams are indeed strange things.  She must have really liked the song because one mumbled bit sounded a lot like groovy.

We get to the resort in Akumal and the beach is beautiful and the staff very attentive.  We spent the better part of every day from about 11 a.m. until 4 or so laying in cabana Continue reading “Bon Temps Roulez”

Illegal Immigration – Pros and Cons

I am still trying to figure out how I feel about all the illegal immigrants in this country and the various action plans floating around to deal with them.  My gut reaction is not kind, but I know there is much more to the picture than what my knee-jerk emotions are telling me.   I do know that many legal immigrants that I have spoken to resent the illegal immigrants that have not jumped through all the hoops they have, yet seem to be able to stay in this country unbothered.

Towards the end of clarifying my thought process I thought I would gather up some of the arguments, favoring and oppositional.

We have a tendency due to our dysfunctional political system to not act, to drift, to let the status quo rock on.  This should not be the case with immigration reform as the current system is full of abuse, personal and systematic.   Continue reading “Illegal Immigration – Pros and Cons”

Wealth Distribution in USA

Wealth Distribution in the USA - 2003

Just in case you cannot read the graph which is data on wealth distribution in the USA from 2003.
The top 1% have 25% of the wealth in the USA
The top 5% have 50.7%
The top 10% have 62.9%.
That leaves 90% of us fighting over 37.1% of the pie.
The only country with a worse mal-distribution of wealth is Mexico.


“Wealth is a person’s net worth, expressed as:

wealth  = assets  – liabilities

The word “wealth” is often confused with “income”. These two terms describe different but related things.”

“A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth… Moreover, another study found that the richest 2% own more than half of global household assets.”

Source for above –

As Shakespeare so nicely put it, “There is something rotten in Denmark.”

Since you landed on this page this is an issue that probably concerns you.  Question is now what are you going to do about it?

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