Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #234

yeah I know you did not ask!

Just before you cross the Mississippi River on I-255 there is big billboard advertising a Mexican restaurant on the Illinois side.  What grabs my attention every time  is the huge statement declaring that they have “The freshest margaritas on either side of the river“.

I have never thought of a margarita as being either fresh or stale.  Perhaps frozen or on the rocks, salt on the rim or not, made with top shelf tequila as opposed to under the bar instant hangover rotgut, but never as fresh or stale.

I finally decided what a fresh margarita must be is one served by a sassy señorita in a too short skirt.  I just may have to check out their beverage claims.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,094

yeah I know you did not ask!

Okay I am going to engage in the use stereotypes.  My main experience with Mexican people is with those that come here to do menial or hard jobs that most Americans do not want to do.  They invariably seem to be hard workers.  My other main experience is with Mexicans at these resorts where they pamper to fat tourists who have disposable incomes.  The staff there also seem invariably to be hard workers.

It is an established fact that wealth inequality, aka lopsided wealth distribution favoring a few over the many, is economically disadvantageous.  Mexico has a very high Gini index.  The US does too, but we seem to put more money back into infrastructure, and have a middle class, shrinking though it is.

So we have this country of hard working people, most of whom want to make a better life for self and family.  Mexico is already the 16th biggest economy on the planet. What a powerhouse Mexico would be if it removed this hindrance to economic growth that is wealth inequality.

I also wonder about the US.  How much better most of us would be if we did not allow so much wealth to accumulate with a few.  If this money was going back into schools, infrastructure, health care, etc.