I Finished a Task Started in Childhood

I had a very brief and exceedingly undistinguished career in the Boy Scouts of America.  I am going to attribute the briefness to the frequency to which my family moved due to the nature of my father’s work.  I started the Boy Scouts in Toms River, New Jersey.  I do not remember much about that experience except we met in the basement of a church of some Protestant denomination.   I remember learning the Scout salute, handshake and some knots.

Best I recall I went on one camp out with the troop to a larger jamboree of Continue reading “I Finished a Task Started in Childhood”

Some Squirrelly Insights

It was sunny, but cold winter morning in St. Louis.  Robin and I were Supposedly, this photo is undoctored!!!preparing for our Sunday morning ritual of 99 cents bowling.   We were eating that great American breakfast of cereal and milk before we ventured out in -10 degrees (Celsius – that is) weather.  She had offered to fix some hot oatmeal or cream of wheat, but I had declined as we were running a little late.

Robin noticed them first as she was sitting closest to the window.  The backyard was just full of squirrels acting…well squirrelly.  There must have between 7 and 10 squirrels running across the yard, through the tree limbs, chasing each other.  Continue reading “Some Squirrelly Insights”