
I took The Wee Dog, Princess Lily, for a stroll tonight a little after dark-thirty. Being the middle of September, the evenings are beginning to get a little nippy, so  I grabbed a light jacket that I had not had on in a while.  As Lily and I were strolling down the sidewalk I stuck both my hands in the pockets of the jacket and discovered some items there in.  In the right pocket was the small plastic bag familiar to all urban dog owners, colloquially referred to as poop bags.  In the left pocket I found a paper mask that has become so fashionable and controversial during this pandemic.  As is my wont, I begin to reflect on these items as I walked.

The poop bag was a reminder to me to never say never, as I had more than once, emphatically stated that I would never pick up dog feces, using it as one of my arguments as why we did not need a dog.  However, if you have a dog in an urban / suburban environment it is only good manners to clean up your dog’s doings. When I was still working Continue reading “Pockets”

Quote About Masks

I don’t like wearing masks.

Do I wear masks, hell yes.  Why?  First because I do not want to get COVID.  I am vaccinated, but I could still contract or carry COVID. Secondly, I want to protect other people, even those do not think they need protecting or want to be protected.  Thirdly, I am trying to make a statement about what is the right thing to do.

In this week’s edition of the local free alternative newspaper, Riverfront Times,  there is a quote about masks that I absolutely love:

Masks are a metaphor for selflessness. During a pandemic they should be a symbol of community and national sense of duty, much like rationing was at the outbreak of World War II.  ~~ Editorial by Ray Hartman, Faisal Khan’s Well-Aimed Middle Finger

Absolutely, freaking YES!!!

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,439

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’ve been using the disposable fiber face masks like you buy in the first aid section of Wal-Mart for most of the pandemic.

I’ve been wanting to get something a little more stylish so when I was in Wally World the other day, I went looking for the black cloth face masks that are so popular.  I found a big display of them made by Hanes at a reasonable price.  The box stated “Fits Most”.

When I got home I broke open the box and tried one on.  It was much too small for me.  I reckon all the people who have been telling me for years that I have a big head were right!

However prominent proboscises are de rigueur on both sides of the family, and my own is a fine example of this family trait.  Add to that the fact that my chin usually precedes me into a room…  well come to think of it I do have a big head.

Reminds me a bit of the old Jeff Foxworthy joke of the man who had big ears, a big nose, big hands and big feet,  he was so ugly he better be packing.

Ba Dum.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #456

yeah I know you did not ask!

Faust Park is a county park about 3 miles from the house.  They have the trails at that park open, all of them one way to help with social distancing.  None of the playgrounds, bathrooms, carousel,etc are open.

This evening, myself and the whimsical Señora Weinhaus decided to take the wee dog for a walk around the park and through some of the wooded paths.  Actually, quite pleasant and for the most part folks were adhering to the guidelines. You are always going to have a few iconoclasts.

Coming out of the woods there were a group of people sitting more or less at the recommended 2 meters of separation. It was obvious they were having some sort of birthday party from the signage.  As we got closer I could see it was for an older lady who they had seated in a throne like chair with a chintzy  crown on her head.  Not that there is an ounce of danger in that direction, but if my kids ever did such a thing…

Anyway back to the story.  Our birthday queen had on a mask.  As we passed I overheard them talking about masks, probably because they wanted to take the queen’s picture.  That is when I heard one gentleman remark, “I have a mask too, but I am saving it for when I drywall.”  How utterly tone deaf can you be? He must be the uncle everyone talks about that disrupts the Thanksgiving dinner with his crackpot political views.

Coranavirus masks as a political statement

I’ve been saying for 2 or 3 weeks now that not wearing masks and gloves in public was a political statement by many of those folks.

Here is an article that says the same thing: Wearing a mask is for smug liberals. Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.

From the article:

For progressives, masks have become a sign that you take the pandemic seriously and are willing to make a personal sacrifice to save lives. Prominent people who don’t wear them are shamed and dragged on Twitter by lefty accounts. On the right, where the mask is often seen as the symbol of a purported overreaction to the coronavirus, mask promotion is a target of ridicule, a sign that in a deeply polarized America almost anything can be politicized and turned into a token of tribal affiliation.