Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,022

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Here is a thought experiment for you:  I wonder how different the world would be if the original European explorers had carried back to Europe cannabis from Asia instead of tobacco from the New World. Or if both, an early Bob Marley would have invented blunts and spiffs.

I’m thinking the world would be a much more mellow place.

Professor Peabody to your Wayback Machine…

Don’t get too wrapped in the ifs, ands, and buts, it is just a thought experiment. I know there always has been and always will be one group of people willing to take advantage of another group of folks.

But a world grooving to Reggae music is a cool thought.

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Last Request

Mark Rush's houseFor years I’ve been telling my kids I want to be cremated when I pass from this plane of existence. I then want them to grow some tomato plants and/or marijuana plants in containers. They can take my ashes and spread them on within the containers. My thought being they could then enjoy me in a nice salad or relax on the patio with a doobie.   Either way they could remember me one more time.

David has never said much either way about my last request. Keely has remarked in the past that she thought that be a gross idea. However, she may be coming around a little.

I came up with another idea today.   They could bury me in my little blue Miata. In one hand they could place a doobie. In the other hand they could put a bottle of nice wine. And for the crowning touch, place a mannequin in there with me in such position that it looks like she is giving me road head.

Now that is the way to enter the afterlife.

California’s Pot Vote

The only time bootleggers and preachers voted the same was to keep Prohibition.  Apparently this is the case again in California where the legalizing marijuana for recreational use is on the ballot.  Two big opponents funding the opposition to the bill are the liquor industry and the medical marijuana industry.  Both feel they will lose some portion of the profit pie they are currently enjoying.  Medical marijuana is going for $300 an ounce.  One study predicted with legalization for recreation use, a price drop of 90 percent.  That would bring it down to 1970s prices, and even cheaper if you consider our inflated dollars. 

It is crazy to keep this substance illegal for any number of well documented reasons. Continue reading “California’s Pot Vote”

Must read article – “Why We Must Fix Our Prisons”

Senator Jim Webb wrote an article for Parade Magazine Why We Must Fix Our Prisons  Click link to read full story.

Some quotes from the article:

“With so many of our citizens in prison compared with the rest of the world, there are only two possibilities: Either we are home to the most evil people on earth or we are doing something different–and vastly counterproductive. Obviously, the answer is the latter. “ Continue reading “Must read article – “Why We Must Fix Our Prisons””