Suggestion Needed: 12 Step Program

I need some advice or a recommendation. I have been looking for a 12 step program or perhaps a way to do an intervention. Wikipedia listed several, none of which seem to fit Borgthe need.  There is a list at the end of this appeal

The group I am looking for probably has initials along the line of SPA or perhaps CPA aka Smart Phone Anonymous or Cell Phone Anonymous. This is not for me, but for my significant other, Robin.

Generally, in relationships with addicts there is a triangle of interactions. There is the addict, there is an enabler and there is a rescuer. Frequently the enabler and rescuer is the same person switching roles. Robin, being somewhat technology challenged, has several enablers in her life. I will confess to being an enabler by programming various functions on her smart phone for her. Her kids fulfill this role also. I would ask Sarah to help rescue her mother, but I believe she should be in SPA also.

Robin’s phone went belly up a while back, and it was like watching an alcoholic going through the DTs. I thought briefly that I was going to have to take her to emergency room Continue reading “Suggestion Needed: 12 Step Program”