The Soloist

Movie Review by Sister Lorie 

thesoloistThe Soloist.

 Available on DVD, staring Jamie Foxx (Mr. Ayers) and Robert Downey Jr. (Mr. Lopez)

 The movie tells the tale, based on a true story, of a Los Angeles columnist looking for a story that finds a life lesson in his own back yard.  Stopping by a statue of Beethoven, he finds a homeless man playing beautiful violin music on a instrument with two strings.  The reporter is curious and tries to strike up a conversation with the musician.  He soon realizes that the angelic music has been produced by a man with many demons.  The strangely fluid, mind bending  information bursts forth from Nathaniel Anthony Ayers.  Mr. Lopez is amazed to hear that Mr. Ayers attended Julliard. 

 Thinking that the journey from Julliard to the mean streets of L.A. would be a great piece, he called Julliard to confirm Mr. Ayers status as an alumni.  I don’t wish to spoil the story and tell all, so I will cut to the end.  Mr. Lopez learns and astounding life lesson from his homeless mentally ill friend that gives him a joy and enjoyment of life.