Internet Littering

My Daddy’s folks are from Kentucky.  My Mama’s folks are from Oklahoma. Our childhoods were passed overseas or on the east coast, always around a Navy or Marine base.  My father was first in the Navy, and then he went to work for Kaman Aerospace.  I mention this as a frequent summer trip was back to Kentucky and/or Oklahoma.  This was in the 50s and 60s.  Initially there were no Interstates. Even later when the Interstates were under construction it was still a hodge-podge of Interstates and two lane roads. These were long, slow trips, not uncommonly in bumper to bumper traffic on two lane roads not always in the best repair.  Heaven forbid if there was an accident.  It would back things up for hours. Air conditioning in a car, surely you jest.

Vivid Childhood Memory

A vivid memory that implanted on my very young Continue reading “Internet Littering”