Cicada Crunching Canine

Our little seven kilogram lap dog, Prancess Lily, has gone bonkers.  With the long rumored emergence of cicadas finally happening here in Chesterfield, by gawd, Missouri, they appear to be some sort of canine catnip, sending our beloved pet into paroxysms of delight. She alternates between playing with them like a cat with a mouse, and chowing down on them.

According to ABC Chicago:

Experts say cicadas are not toxic to dogs or cats, and don’t bite or sting. The bugs, which can be one to one-and-a-half inches long, aren’t poisonous either.

Dr. Patricia Ho, veterinarian at Kindred Veterinary, said a pet eating an occasional cicada in most cases is harmless, but the insects have a tough exoskeleton that can make digestion a challenge, especially if eaten in large quantities and for smaller pets.

“So if we’re seeing issues with eating too many, we can see some complications related to vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea, indigestion and, worst case scenario, they can have intestinal blockages,” Dr. Ho said.

However Señora is also having her own paroxysms… not of delight, every time she realizes that Prancess Lily is partaking of this entomological treat. She either starts vocalizing voraciously at our poor petite pooch, or she runs out into the backyard to stop her from munching on what must be a tasty treat.

On the upside, we might to able to save a little on dog food, and from all the exercise Señora is getting she might lose the five pounds she has been fretting about – and from my point of view, does not need to lose.

And so it goes.

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Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5784.024

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

Señora and I had gone to bed. We were both engaged in canine behavior, that is, we were imitating Princess Lily’s bed time preparation routine.  While we were not circling our respective sides of the bed three times, we each were fluffing pillows, rearranging blankets, flouncing around as we attempted to find that ever so perfect spot for falling asleep.

In simpler words, we were trying to get comfortable, and thus were moving around quite a bit.  There was an almost spooky, creaking sound that was occurring sporadically but frequently.

Señora says to me, “Is that the bed or one of us?”

I still am hoping it was the bed.

And so it goes.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,275

yeah I know you did not ask!

The Wee Dog has a tendency to sleep on the foot of our bed, usually very close to my feet. Occasionally she will pop herself between the snoozing Señora Weinhaus and myself.  In the winter time it is not uncommon for her to weasel her way under the covers to the foot of the bed.  It is a mystery to me as why, in 7 years, she has not been kicked or turned into a pancake.

Last night she was at the foot of the bed on top of the covers.  I must have kicked the covers off my feet as I was awakened around 3 in the morning by the Wee Dog licking my ankles. At first I thought Senora had developed a foot fetish, then I realized it was Lily.  She must have become disoriented in the night and could not find her derriere and my ankles seemed the next best thing.