Daddy Dog rescues Lilly

If you know us you know that we have a little lap dog name Lilly.  She weighs around 15 or 16 pounds, and none of it is fat.  She keeps all her fat ran off chasing squirrels she never even gets close to.   This weekend we are babysitting Osho,  the dog of Robin’s son.  Osho is a tad larger, probably weighing in at 60 or more pounds.  The two are them are best buds which frequently causes me to refer to them as Mutt and Jeff.  Unless you are of a certain age you probably do not remember Mutt and Jeff, but they were two characters in the comics that the newspapers of antiquity used to run.  One was short and the other was tall.

This weekend we had 10 inches of snow at our house.  Some areas close by got more snow. When the snow first fell is was soft and loose.  Lilly had a bit of a problem getting through, but she could do so by hopping Continue reading “Daddy Dog rescues Lilly”