Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,425

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of them.

Okay, this was not my random thought, but it could well have been.

One of my brothers, a fellow curmudgeon, passed this onto me.  He was at Wally World purchasing light bulbs utilizing the latest technology.  He had the random realization that, as he put it,  “the fire of these new light bulbs would, in all probability, be burning long after my fire has extinguished.”

It is interesting that my parents had five male progeny, four of us whom morphed into curmudgeons a loooonng time ago.  Oh well, as I am fond of saying some of my best friends are curmudgeons.

As I write this I had my own random thought.  Is there an Al-Anon group for partners of curmudgeons? Just saying…

And so it goes.

One Small Rebellion Against Trump

This is just one example of many possible examples of how petty and low we have sank as a nation under the disaster masquerading as a human being, Gospodin Trump.

I needed some new light bulbs, but I required ones with a candelabra base for a ceiling fan light.  This POS, this so called POTUS, for some unknown reason has rolled back the regulations mandating the use of energy saving light bulbs.  When asked why, he had no explanation, but said a report was forthcoming.  I am assuming some crony of his will benefit from the sale of old style light bulbs.

The only other reason that makes sense is that he is doing all he can to destroy the planet.  I am clueless as to why anyone in this day and age will deny the reality of climate change.  I believe the scientist on this one, but even if they are wrong, we still need to be hedging our bets just in case they are right.

I made damn sure I found the energy saving style of light bulb, and as I picked them up I thought, “Fuck you, Donald Trump!”