Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,563

yeah I know you did not ask!

I am of mixed emotions.  There are rumors on the Internet – seemingly from Trump, principally – that Señor Trump is going to be indicted and arrested very soon.

Part of me would very much like to have a poster of his mug shot. The larger part of me cannot stand the thought of having to stare at his ugly mug, and thus does not want such a poster in my abode.  From the git-go, if Señor Trump was on television or radio, it has been channel or station changing time. My stomach could not stand watching or listening to this horrible waste of protoplasm. In a rational society, this man would be in an insane asylum… or, more properly, in prison.

What to do, what to do…

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,415

yeah I know you did not ask!

As you are cruising around your day, have you ever looked at person and thought, “This person has completely given up… on themselves, on life, en todo?” But then again, you never really know what journey someone has been on.

While, on occasion, I have felt that way for brief periods throughout my life, I have generally snapped out of it.  Most of my adult life I have exercised in one fashion or another.  Especially the last  two maybe two and half decades I have Continue reading “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,415”