Revengeful Robin…

On either side of our driveway are two large trees. On the right is a sycamore tree that towers above our two story house.  On the left is a sweet gum tree, tall for its species, with an impressive canopy.  One thing I have always liked about this arrangement is the shade they give our principle vehicles. With the garage being filled with kayaks and my baby – Li’ Blue – aka a certain Mazda MX-5 Miata, the other cars cannot find a home inside.  Of course if you are going to have tree limbs over cars, you will have the occasional avian calling card on your vehicle.  This has been an infrequent and bearable problem… Continue reading “Revengeful Robin…”

Blowing kisses…

This does not happen often, but…

My hair is a little longer than is common today.  My attitude is at my age if you have it, flaunt it.  When I drive Li’Blue with the top down it blows my hair in a way I am sure is very dramatic!  (Insert the smiley face of your choice here)  Add to this mix the fact that some folks believe Miatas (MX5s) to be chick cars.  If they have  not driven one, their opinion would change if they did.  I will admit to making a woman scream more than once when she was in Li’Blue.

I’ll be driving along and feel a vehicle pull up even with me.  I know it is a guy (or guys) thinking it is a blonde female driving the car.  I’ve not done it YET, but I am always tempted to blow them a kiss.  I do turn my half-shaven, mustached face towards them and grin.  That is about the time they goose their vehicle.

Men are such pigs!


Li’ Blue in a Time Warp

Spring has finally sprung in St. Louis.  I took the tea cozy off Li’ Blue, my Mazda MX-5 (say Miata).  The vanity plate on my car reads Li’ Blue because it is, well… little and blue.  Also I was dating a Hispanic lady at time I bought the car and she called it my Viagra car for the same reasons and others.  Rather than put Viagra on the plate I went with Li’ Blue.

Friday is frequently a half day of work for me and I try to play golf in the afternoon.  The traffic is lighter on Fridays.  I find it a good time to drive my convertible.  I did so this morning, with the top down of course.   It was a little cool so I wore a light jacket and turned the heater on my feet. Traffic was flowing nicely and I never had to shift gears until I left the Interstate.

KDHX is a local non-commercial radio station with all volunteers as DJs.  The radio stations play list has to be termed eclectic, but each DJ usually has a theme, Blue Grass, Soul, R&B, Brazilian, etc.  The show on Friday early morning drive time is Sound Salvation. His whole play list is eclectic.  This morning it was gospel, jazz vocals, Lucinda Williams, indie rock and more. It is almost always enjoyable. This morning it was especially so.

It was one of those drives that if you could put it in a time warp and continue it would more than alright.  It made me so happy.  I walked into the office with a big smile on my face.