“Honey, is there something you need to tell me?”

A friend of ours made a remark to her daughter (from another period of her life) that she going to buy a Subaru as that is what lesbians drove… 2015-subaru-outback_100471641_lSubarus. Her daughter was visiting with us and telling us this story about her mother. We recently bought a new Subaru Outback for Robin.

I turn to Robin and say, “Honey, is there something you need to tell me?”

Fortunately I was able to duck her slowing swung swat directed my way.

There is a story in here somewhere.

bkThere is a story in here somewhere.

We went to a retirement dinner which was actually breakfast foods.  Our protagonist is retiring from a lifetime of teaching elementary school.  What makes this interesting in the dime novel sort of way is that our heroine is a late in life lesbian.  She and another woman met, became enraptured with each other, and divorced their respective husbands.   What followed was tumultuous relation over a period of years.  The romantic portion of the relationship did end, but the relationship continues at some level.

What grabbed my attention at the dinner was that we were sitting next to her current girlfriend.  Her original girlfriend, now her ex was walking around taking pictures.  Both the divorced husbands from above were there.  At one point the two gentlemen were visiting with each other.

I can only imagine what would happen if I showed up at my ex’s retirement dinner.

You cannot make this stuff up.