Worst Opening Sentence – 2022

Who’s on First?”  was perhaps the most famous sketch of Abbott & Costello. It is essentially seven or eight minutes of word play that cracks me up every time I come across it on da’ net.  It is the continuation of themes common in the Burlesque era of entertainment, which is where the act of Abbott & Costello got its start.

Mark Twain  rose to fame with stories such as The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County which was required reading when I was in school during the Paleolithic period. The gist of the story is that a man feeds buckshot to a frog in order to win a bar bet. Want to know more? Read the story.

I saw myself following Continue reading “Worst Opening Sentence – 2022”

My Luddite Rebellion Against Wally World

yeah I know you did not ask!

There is a big push in many stores to decrease the number of checkers and force the clients into self-service checkout.  I have not problem with technology having spent the majority of my adult life programming computers.  What I do have a problem with is the decrease in service level at many stores, especially Wal-Mart which has always had bad service. I also believe that the Waltons do not need any more money, and decreasing employees is a way to increase their profits.  My other issue is the elimination of jobs for Homo sapiens.

One of the earliest Kurt Vonnegut novels is Player Piano.  The Wikipedia synopsis sums Continue reading “My Luddite Rebellion Against Wally World”

So It Goes

kurt_vonnegutRobin sings in the choir at The Center for Spiritual Living here in St. Louis. They tend to end meditative/pray moments with the saying, “And so it is.” This sounded familiar to me and then I realized it is very, very close to Kurt Vonnegut’s famous saying, “So it goes.”

“Unlike many of these quotes, the repeated refrain from Vonnegut’s classic Slaughterhouse-Five isn’t notable for its unique wording so much as for how much emotion—and dismissal of emotion—it packs into three simple, world-weary words that simultaneously accept and dismiss everything. There’s a reason this quote graced practically every elegy written for Vonnegut over the past two weeks (yes, including ours): It neatly encompasses a whole way of life. More crudely put: “Shit happens, and it’s awful, but it’s also okay. We deal with it because we have to.”

~~ from an article by By Tasha Robinson, Kyle Ryan, Josh Modell, Noel Murray & Scott Gordon 15 Things Kurt Vonnegut Said Better Than Anyone Else Ever Has Or Will