Support America — Boycott Koch Brothers Products

The Koch brothers are the billionaire financiers of the Tea Party and other extreme Right political interest groups. They have one interest that is summed up as greed. Apparently they are not rich enough, and want more of the one pie we all share.

Here is an excellent article detailing the practices of the these two that hurt all Americans who are not  Kochs.  I am thnking that is a pretty big group. How Koch Industries Makes Billions Corrupting Government

If you prefer your information in a more audio-visual format scroll to the bottom of this Rachel Maddow article. You can watch a segment of her show that was about the Koch brothers. — Rachel Maddow: Koch Brothers ‘Pop Up In Every Scummy Political Scandal’

One small thing we can all do is boycott products produced by companies owned by these greedy bastards. If you think it does not matter remember that in our society dollars are votes. The Koch brothers just have a ton of votes. Here is a partial list from article, How You Can Boycott the Kochs

It includes such things as: 

  • Angel Soft toilet paper
  • Brawny paper towels
  • Dixie plates, bowls, napkins and cups
  • Mardi Gras napkins and towels
  • Quilted Northern toilet paper
  • Soft ‘n Gentle toilet paper
  • Sparkle napkins
  • Vanity fair napkins
  • Zee napkins
  • The article goes on to detail building products we are not likely to encounter in our everyday shopping, but if you know a liberal contractor…

We have to start fighting back in every small way we can.  It seems to me the greedy and crazies have gotten hold of our government and economic systems. 
