The Black Hole…Karma?

So… just desserts – karma – or just bad execution? But either way the video cracked me up… but it does make you think. Sorry.

One common theme or fantasy is what superpower a person would want and what they would do with it. Frequently the superpower is the ability to fly like Superman, but not infrequently it is the ability to be invisible. Then the question becomes what to do with your invisibility.

I watched a YouTube video in Spanish of a person doing interviews in the street about the question of superpowers.  It seemed like a lot of folks who chose invisibility had ideas on how to use their invisibility that were less than ethical.

I will have to admit with some of the jobs I have had, I would not have been too far behind this guy into the safe… ethical or not.

My post from February 2020  on this theme: My Superpower

It is tough be human… and so it goes.